Blog EUR pallets from Scandinavian Park in Handewitt - EN - en


Do you have a hobbyist in you? DIY - build-your-own with EUR pallets


DIY projects never go out of style. Nowadays, you can find quite a few videos with instructions on how to create beautiful furniture from EUR pallets. The advantage is that you can easily customise the furniture to suit your needs. In addition, DIY is an inexpensive solution that also adds a personal touch to your garden or living room. And then there's the charming thought: In which countries have EUR pallets been in use?

Recycling with ScandiPark

Our EUR pallets have most likely travelled through Denmark and Scandinavia: because as a border trader, we also receive goods such as beer and sweets from countries other than Germany. That's why you'll find many Danish products at German prices in Handewitt. So-called A-pallets are particularly popular and are often used for upcycling: they are very stable and robust.

And here's the thing: We put aside used - but beautiful - EUR pallets for our customers. Right now you can buy them for around 149 DKR each at ScandiPark in Handewitt.

Smart raised bed for summer

In the summer, we get soil under our fingernails: Whether it's herbs, strawberries or flowers decorating the garden - a vertical raised bed made from EUR pallets offers many possibilities.

  • Materials

If you want to build your own vertical raised bed, you'll need a EUR pallet, some extra boards and some foil to put in the window boxes. If you also have a hammer, nails, work gloves, potting soil and, of course, plants, then it's time to get started.

  • Build shelves

Build the shelves for the window boxes using the underside of the EUR pallet - this is where you'll notice a sort of "gap". Use the loose boards as a base by nailing them to these "gaps". This will give you six shelves for your window boxes. Wrap the boxes in foil and make a small hole in the foil so that excess water can drain out later.

  • Planting

Now all you need to do is fill the balcony boxes with potting soil and add plants of your choice: Your vertical raised bed is ready to use.

Look forward to warm summer evenings where your new DIY raised bed will create a unique and cosy atmosphere: it's even better with a good wine or soft drink from Scandinavian Park at hand. Remember, you can pre-order your deposit-free drinks - and much more - with our Click & Collect. We look forward to seeing you in Handewitt!
